Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Seems like it has been forever since I have had a new post (Because it has been forever.)   This is my first attempt at time lapse.  Sorry for the poor quality, it wouldn't let me post the full-rez version. I hope you enjoy it.  If you have any ideas on future time lapses - please let me know.

- jeff

Thursday, July 12, 2012


yes. i know they are kind of weird. but i am really liking them. definitely going to do more with these in the future.  until then.. enjoy.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I would like to do an EPIC planet!  I need your help.  I would like to have 10 - 15 people (more would be even better) for a planet.  If you would like to help out (assuming you're available on the time that works best for everyone, of course) please email me @ jeffrey.b.hanson@gmail.com with something about photoplanets in the subject.  I have a vision for a next planet - but I NEED YOUR HELP!!!

We could possibly all lie down scattered around and look like we are being sucked into a wormhole if we shot like the example i am posting.  Please help! I understand if you cannot.


- Flip

Planets around UA.

So... here are a few more planets.  They were taken at various places on the University of Alabama's campus, sometime in the last month or so.

- Flip

some people's world revolves around the sun... for everyone else - its alabama football

Two planets. Same subject.  Took these on signing day, before I shot the Shelby Hall Rotunda but I am just now getting around to posting them.  Starting to finally work the kinks out with these.  I can't wait to try to these with people involved!

- Flip

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

it's been a while.

Well, between getting married and fixing up a foreclosed home, I've been pretty busy.  Finally getting a chance to do some more creative work.  This is an inverted panorama.  The logo with "THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA" is actually around my week while taking this.  Roughly 200 photos and approximately 300 hours later - this is born.  I hope you enjoy. 

- flip

PS:It's good to be back.